Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Other Dinosaur themed games for children

Hmmm, seems that there are other dinosaur themed games for children like Dinosawus...with the release of the new Ice Age movie, there is a video game tie-in called Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs.

The trailer (at the above link) doesn't look as good Dinosawus though... :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Long Necks

Some of the largest dinosaurs had very long necks and tails. They were known as "sauropods". The brontosaurus / diplodocus are classic examples. There is even a character in the dinosawus online world called Bruno who is like this.

The popular theory is that they had such long necks so they could eat from the tops of trees.

However, a new study shows that their necks were too long to pump blood all the way up to their tiny brains. This means they must have walked around with their heads down and ate grass like cows.

It seems that people have been wrong all this time!